Domain Names
What are Domain Names? Domain names are the human-friendly addresses we use to access websites. Instead of having to remember a series of numbers (IP addresses), we can simply type in a domain name like
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Why are Domain Names important? Domain names play a crucial role in navigating the internet. They provide a simple and intuitive way for users to access websites, making the internet more accessible and user-friendly.
Key Points to Consider:
- Readability: Domain names improve the readability and accessibility of web addresses. They are easier to remember and share than IP addresses.
- Branding: Domain names are an important part of a company's online identity and branding.
- SEO: A well-chosen domain name can improve a website's ranking in search engine results.
Example - Cloudflare Tunnels: Cloudflare Tunnels provide a secure way to connect your resources to Cloudflare without a publicly routable IP address. With a Cloudflare Tunnel, you can deploy services in any environment securely, and associate them with a domain name. This allows you to make your services publicly accessible, while keeping them secure.