The three fundamental dimensions that shape our lives: Space, Time, and Memory. These dimensions are further categorized into Pillars, Flows, and Vaults, each playing a unique role in our existence.
Space refers to the physical and digital environments we interact with. It encompasses the places we visit, the tools we use, and the settings in which we experience life. Understanding our spaces helps us navigate our world more effectively and create environments that support our goals and well-being.
Time is the continuum in which our lives unfold. It is segmented into various cycles - decades, years, months, days, and hours. Each cycle offers a different perspective on our lives, allowing us to understand patterns, make predictions, and plan for the future.
Memory represents our personal data and digital assets. It includes our thoughts, ideas, experiences, and knowledge. By managing our memory effectively, we can enhance our productivity, make informed decisions, and enrich our personal and professional lives.
Pillars, Flows, and Vaults are the structures that help us organize these dimensions. Pillars are the key areas of our lives, Flows represent our routines and habits, and Vaults are the repositories where we store and manage our information. Understanding and leveraging these structures can lead to a more organized, productive, and fulfilling life.